Sue Mead’s Bio
Sue is the founder and president of Safe Haven, a ministry to the brokenhearted. She travels nationally and internationally, teaching and equipping the body of Christ, raising up teams of people to do inner healing and set the captive free. Sue has been in full time ministry since 1992. Since that time, she has directed two different residential homes for women with life controlling issues: one for drug addicts and prostitutes in the heart of New York City, and the other a home for unwed moms in the mountains of Wyoming. She has served as youth pastor, and on the pastoral staff for several churches over the past 20 years.
Sue has served as Dean of Women and Director of Pastoral Care at the Brownsville Revival School of Ministry, and also was a faculty member. She then helped establish an international training center to teach and equip people to do inner healing and deliverance. Sue sits on the board of directors to several internationally known ministries. Sue is an active member of the International Society of Deliverance Ministers (ISDM) and also a member of the Healing House arm of Restoring the Foundations, and is qualified as a trainer in the RTF model.
In addition to this, she is a certified Life Coach.
Sue is married and a mother and grandmother, currently residing in Maryville, TN.